Intake Session $150 | Sessions $125 | Remote Sessions $110

What to expect.

A session lasts about 60-90mins.

We will discuss your concerns, your current experience and your medical intake/any intentions you may have.

Eventually, you will find your way to the massage table, where you will remain fully clothed, lying in a comfortable position with pillow supports. With gentle touch, I will palpate your body, noticing any areas of restriction or imprints of trauma, offering different techniques to allow the original source of the dysfunction to release, resolve, and rebalance.

It is important to note that while a single session can have noticeable effects, it often takes multiple sessions to achieve the results you are seeking.

During the session, you may relax so deeply that you fall asleep, enter a quiet meditation-like state, feel as though you are dreaming while awake, experience memories or profound insights, experience felt sensations—like warmth, expansion, softening, or floating.

At times, you may experience the felt sensations of energies being released, letting go of patterning that inhibits your health and vitality. You may notice differences in your fluids, tissues, bones, and prana. You may sense a greater integration of your body-mind.

“The instinctual repetoire of the human organism includes a deep biological knowing which, given the opportunity to do so, can and will guide the process of healing trauma.” Peter Levine

Your life force is innately within.

We are innately healthy, trauma obstructs healthy expressions. I am palpating your body, nervous system, boney system, and viscera, listening to the unheard conversation.

Noticing where the body-mind has become imprinted with traumas and facilitating the completion of the processes that one’s system is currently orienting around, allowing these imprints to complete and return to balance. 

During sessions, I am gently palpating your body, noticing where the body’s processes remain incomplete, and supporting the expression of your systems natural capacity to heal and return to equilibrium.