Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy

Grounded in anatomy and physiology, this trauma informed somatic therapy holds an awareness of the integrated systems of the whole-body. In particular the nervous systems (central, peripheral, sympathetic, parasympathetic, social) and their effects throughout one’s being; including the complex imprint of trauma. 

The craniosacral system consists of the cranium to the sacrum, including the membranes and fluid surrounding the brain and spinal cord, and the attached bones. The membranes extend from the cranium down the spine to the sacrum. Conditions or tensions held within the craniosacral system have profound affects upon the nervous systems, as well as every other system of the body, and vice versa. 

Through deep listening and presence, the practitioner receives the subtle expressions of the client’s body. BCST creates a safe space for traumas and chronic conditions, held within the physical, mental, and emotional bodies, to emerge and to resolve. Deeply listening to the whole of one’s being, just as it is, facilitates the release of held patterning. Offering a space to further explore the client’s felt-experience and the underlying mental and emotional aspects of one’s experiences. 

Throughout my trainings I have studied and integrated aspects of Somatic Experiencing (Peter Levine), Visceral Manipulation (Jean-Pierre Barral), Creative Dynamic Opposition (Pre and Perinatal), and Focusing (Gene Glendlin), into my session-work. Although sessions may at times be held in a deeply restful quiet space, there is also time for dialogue, for exploring one’s felt-sensation, embodiment, emotional body, history, etc. during our time together.

all of you is welcome here.

How often should I receive treatment?

It depends on why you are seeking out treatment, what you are dealing with and how deeply it is embedded in the tissues, in the systems, of your body.

Ultimately we are going at the pace the body dictates. Your body, and its inherent wisdom, knows what you are resourced to deal with at any given time. Conditions, emotions or traumas that have been long-held within your system will require more sessions. However, even after a single session one may notice a significant difference.

A series of sessions is recommended for a length of time, allowing time for the client’s body and nervous systems to experience the quality of palpation and of the session-work.

The practitioner facilitates resolution with a titrated approach to ease the clients systems toward their own re-patterning, initiated by their own bodies, within a safe and connected space, preventing any overwhelm. Initially once a week creates a grounded foundation, ultimately you will decide when is best to return.

BCST is beneficial for

Acute and Chronic PainAnxiety, Depression, and TraumasArthritisADD/ADHDAutoimmune ConditionsBrain and Spinal Cord InjuriesCentral Nervous System DisordersChronic Stress and Tension related problemsChronic PainChronic Fatigue and issues around Low EnergyTBIs/ConcussionsDigestive IssuesDisturbed Sleep PatternsEmotional DifficultiesFibromyalgia and Other Connective Tissue disordersHeadaches and MigrainesInjuries/Accidents/SurgeriesPMS/PMDD/PCOS and Hormonal ImbalancesPregnancyPostpartumPost Traumatic Stress DisorderPost SurgicalDysfunctionScoliosisSomatic Symptom DisordersTMJTraumatic Birth