I’m glad you’re here.

My name is Sarah Park.

I am a Registered Craniosacral Therapist practicing in the central Illinois Area. I have a bachelor degree in Psychology and have been practicing as a RCST® for three years now.

My body has been my greatest teacher. Experiences in life, including complex trauma, ptsd, grief, and chronic health challenges, have given rise to my path and my approach in craniosacral therapy.

I am offering a heart centered, non-judgmental, embodied-oriented space to experience change and to cultivate a new relationship with our bodies.

Training & Experience

Registered Craniosacral Therapist, RCST®
The Biodynamic Craniosacral Association of North America 

BCST Foundational Training
Stillpoint Craniosacral 

BA in Psychology
Minor of Philosophy
University of Colorado, Boulder